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Yesterday's Gone: Season One
David W. Wright, Sean Platt
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Marissa Meyer
Progress: 37 %
Tales of the Japanese (Illustrated)
Charles Morris
McSweeney's #10
Elmore Leonard, Michael Chabon, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Harlan Ellison, Nick Hornby, Jim Shepard, Michael Moorcock, Dan Chaon, Carol Emshwiller, Kelly Link, Chris Offutt, McSweeney's Publishing, Laurie R. King, Michael Crichton, Aimee Bender, Sherman Alexie, Howard Cha
Stephen King

The Dead Room

The Dead Room - Robert Ellis, Jim McCance I really liked this book. The story was exciting and captivating, and the murders twisted and gory.
The characters are really well developed and there are some twists and turns in the plot along the way.

I listenend to the audio version of this book, narrated by Jim McCance. I have had mixed experiences with audiobooks before, a bad narrator can easily ruin a good book for me. In this case it was the cherry on the top, McCance brings the story to life and does a great job in creating the right atmosphere for the book.

Would highly recommend this book, especially as an audiobook!