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DoodlePanda reads stuff

Currently reading

Yesterday's Gone: Season One
David W. Wright, Sean Platt
Cress (Lunar Chronicles, #3)
Marissa Meyer
Progress: 37 %
Tales of the Japanese (Illustrated)
Charles Morris
McSweeney's #10
Elmore Leonard, Michael Chabon, Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Harlan Ellison, Nick Hornby, Jim Shepard, Michael Moorcock, Dan Chaon, Carol Emshwiller, Kelly Link, Chris Offutt, McSweeney's Publishing, Laurie R. King, Michael Crichton, Aimee Bender, Sherman Alexie, Howard Cha
Stephen King

The Bees

The Bees - Laline Paull I'm finding it tricky to rate this book... I don't think I've read anything similar to compare it with, and to me it seems like a fairly original story.

I did enjoy reading it though, it was interesting to see the life of the bees (though I'm not sure that all the facts are 100% correct). A lot of the time the bees seems to be very 'human' in the way they act, but it didn't really ruin the story for me. It is a fiction after all, so some 'unrealistic' aspects are to be expected in my opinion.

All in all an interesting read :)