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Yesterday's Gone: Season One
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Stephen King

The Magpies

The Magpies - Mark Edwards 2.5 stars

I find it difficult to rate this book, as some parts I thought were really good, and some not so much.

The idea behind the book I found to be good, it seems like a good theme to base a story on. The first few chapters started a bit slow, but the story picks up as more and more stuff happens to the couple living in the flat. I think the build up was good, and the writing was ok as well.

My biggest problem with this book happened a little over half way and lasted pretty much to the end of the book. Possible major spoiler: I just could not come to terms with Jamie refusing to leave the flat, surely he must see that it would be better to move away and start again somewhere else? But no, he decides to stay, and that 'winning' over the neighbours and keeping the flat is better then being happy and worth losing everything else in his life... I have no doubt this could happen in real life (plenty of 'macho' men out there), but I still find it really annoying and frustrating.

I think I was disappointed at the ending as I thought the first half of the book was quite good...